Monday, March 28, 2011

Stucture: Triangles, circles, straight lines and other things..

 In Wing Chun you will hear a lot about the triangle. It is a strong shape and can be found in your stance, body, stepping and hand positioning.
Another concept is the the straight line, most Wing chun movements travel on a straight line and the center line is the path on which the movements typically originate.
In my particular lineage I have not heard any discussion about circular movements that are present in Wing Chun. The way I see it is that these 3 shapes work in unison.
The circle shape can be found in many instances for example: when practicing Siu Lim Tao I will use mental imagery of compressing and letting go a ball when doing Wu Sao and Fuk Sao or holding the ball in Tan Sao or compressing the ball with gum and then expanding with Tai. When in the positon of Bong Sao it is easy to see the circular path of bong and the circular space between your body and arm. Of course circles are found in footwork as well.  If you shift with Tan until you reach the point where you have to circle step back into a balance stance from a rear stance and continue until you go 360 degrees you will notice that when you keep your postioning in relation to your shifting that your wrist follows a circular path. This easily demonstrates one of your fighting zone ranges and the same could be said if you did the same with kicking, or elbows. or knees etc. etc.
The last instance in which is see the circle in play is in shifting to me this should be the smallest circle and is shown in the tight rotation of the body. When you combine all these ideas and principles and solidify them into a cohesive whole I think that's when you start seeing amazing things in your Kung Fu. Here is my own Wing Chun far as know maybe someone has said it before in better words. The triangle is strong, the straight line cuts, and the circle redirects or creates a barrier or a cushion.

 On a mostly unrelated topic, I found a great way to create a Moi Fa for stepping and balancing. I had some bed risers sitting in my closet that I have not used for a long time. I was thinking about the Moi Fa Jong and it dawned on me that I could use the bed risers. They are actually quite sturdy and have a 300 lb weight limit and can be used for other people because the can be repositioned to match their stance. They only cost about 13.00 for 4 and are stackable and easy to store. So, if you are like me and have limited space but want to mix up your training the bed risers do the job. I was concerned that they would move all over the place but the stayed right in place on my carpet. If you have tile it probably would be super easy to put a rubber coating on the bottom. Even if you wanted to affix them to something it would be easy to do that as well. The only downside is the top part that has a bit of a recess it didn't affect what I was doing at all but if you were worried about shoe tread grabbing you could put a wooden square to fill that spot or some type of filler, maybe resin or cement.